I won’t lie: writing academic papers may be tedious. I still regarded every college assignment with a hint of dread, despite the fact that I now essentially write papers for a job (like this post). In this blog you will get to know HOW TO WRITE AN ASSIGNMENT FAST?

Writing a paper isn’t quite the same as working on arithmetic problems or reading a chapter of a book, after all. Even while those tasks might be stressful, they have always appeared more manageable than the overwhelming chore of “writing a paper.” You need to brainstorm, research, plan, draft, edit, and add those annoying citations before you can begin writing.


Understand the Assignment

Writing a paper that doesn’t even attempt to address the professor’s issue is the greatest waste of time. If there is anything about the assignment that is unclear, don’t be hesitant to approach the professor to clarify it.

It’s not the professor’s intention to confuse you if the assignment looks ambiguous. They frequently assume some things are “obvious” even when they aren’t to those of us who aren’t specialists since they are so knowledgeable in their profession.

Research with Ruthless Efficiency

You need to begin your investigation as soon as you comprehend the assignment. But take care! Research has a reputation for being one of the finest ways to put off doing anything. The time you could have spent writing may easily be extended by “one more source.”

I use my go-to method for overcoming procrastination in general to resist the want to put off doing research: I give myself a time restriction. You shouldn’t spend more than 30 minutes each page of the final document conducting research, as I detailed in my guide to conducting research. Don’t spend more than 2.5 hours on research, for example, if the article is expected to be 5 pages (maximum).

Create a Flat Outline

I believed the system was flawed ever when I learnt how to outline papers using the conventional way in eighth grade. Before writing the paper, I never made an outline with bullets, numbers, and letters. Since I had to submit one with the final paper, I always just made one up later.

Create the Perfect Writing Environment

Okay, so you’ve done your research, have a firm grasp of the subject, and your flat outline is complete. You must now sit down and write that jerk. Not so quickly though—where you write matters.

Because distractions are the second biggest deterrent to writing a paper swiftly after procrastination. You’ll squander hours switching back and forth between the paper and any diversions if you don’t have a distraction-free workplace.

Follow a Standard Structure

You shouldn’t feel like you’re creating the wheel with every paper you write. Your objective when composing a paper for a college course is to satisfy the assignment’s criteria while going just a little bit further to wow the professor. You’re not attempting to change the English language or make strides in your field.

Focus On Quality Over Quantity

If the paper is expected to have a final page count of 5-7, you may be tempted to produce a paper that’s 7 or even 8 pages. After all, more is always better.

Wrong. A good 5-page paper will always be valued more than a passable 7-page paper, according to every professor I had in college. Actually, some topics don’t require seven pages—five is plenty. If you strive to make it longer, you can wind up weakening your case.

Write the Conclusion and Introduction Last

Creating an introduction is one of the biggest obstacles to starting a paper. This challenge is understandable when you consider how you would present something you haven’t yet constructed.

For this reason, you shouldn’t start writing the introduction until the major body of the paper is complete. I know it seems counterproductive, but I implore you to give it a go. This approach prevents what I have experienced more times than I can count, which is writing the paper just to discover that my intro doesn’t even mesh with the finished product.


Writing a paper is still a lot of labour in the end. However, if you use the steps in this article, you may do it more quickly without sacrificing quality.

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